Sunday, February 26, 2012

Austin is two months old!

Austin just turned two months old over a week ago. Technically he'll be 10 weeks on Monday. He has changed so much in just over a month.

He had his first cold a few weeks ago, and he also started showing signs of acid reflux. Poor guy didn't feel well at all for a few weeks, but we finally got past that mean old cold! I know there will be times where he may even be sicker than just a cold, but it's hard when your baby isn't feeling well. And at the same time, he was having problems with reflux. I had to start supplementing after every feeding with formula, and that's when the reflux started. He would just cry and cry and you could hear the liquid coming back up in his throat after a meal. We are having an upper GI done this week (we had to reschedule since he was feeling so bad with his cold), and maybe it will give us some answers, and we can finally put him on some medication if needed. His doctor recommended adding a bit of rice cereal to his bottles. I was a little uneasy with this suggestion, since babies aren't supposed to start solids until four months, if then. I tried one bottle with cereal in it, and he had NO problems afterwards. It was like he was a different baby. NO crying, NO gagging, NO choking. I was going to start doing the rice cereal with every other bottle, but after giving him ONE two ounce bottle without it, he threw up the entire bottle. We have been sticking to the rice cereal theory since then... Ha ha.

He's been gaining weight like crazy! Nothing too serious, but since he was a little behind in the beginning, he seems so chubby now! At his last appointment, he was ten pounds even. Josh weighed him a week or so ago, and Austin was about twelve pounds, then. We go back to the doctor this week for his two month checkup with shots (AHHH!!), and I'm excited to see how much he's grown.

He's finally started developing a schedule, which helps me a lot during the day (and at night, too!). He will only go about 6 hours at night without a feeding, even if I try to feed him more before his bed time. Hopefully, he'll start sleeping a little longer, but I can deal with waking up only once in the night! We're transitioning the move into his bedroom, and I'm super nervous. I'm a FREAK when I think about SIDS or anything happening to him while he's sleeping. The first night I put him in his crib, he kicked and looked around for a while, cried out a few times, but he fell asleep with no problems. I checked on him about a thousand times, where he looked just as content as he could be. But right before I went to bed, I couldn't take it any longer, and I took him back to bed with me. He's going to be just fine, but I don't know if I will be! Lol.

Austin has been smiling occasionally since before he was six weeks old, but now he smiles any time I talk to him. He even giggled for the first time last night, and I about died! It was so unexpected. I was blowing raspberries at him, and I guess he just thought it was hilarious. But he hasn't laughed since, and believe me, I've been doing the raspberry thing over and over to hear that sweet laugh again.

He's also discovered that his hands are attached to him and that he can chew on them. He still like his paci every once in a while (thank goodness he's not a huge paci fan), but when the paci falls out, he knows his hands are always available as a back up!

His personality is just beginning to peek through, and I can't wait to see how he's going to be. If he's anything like his father, Lord help us. Ha! (Josh would say the same about me, too.)

Austin is such a joy, and I can't believe how fast he is growing!