Thursday, March 1, 2012

Two Month Checkup

Today, Austin had his two month check up. He weighed 12lbs, 3oz and measured 23.5 inches long. I can't believe how big he's getting! He's doubled his weight (almost) since birth and has grown about 4 inches! That makes him seem like such a tiny baby when he was born.

The doctor checked his development today. She flipped him on his tummy (and he hates tummy time, and is DONE in about ten minutes), and he was doing his mini push ups! I have to put him on my tummy just to get him to do that at home. His doctor was very pleased, and she loved his chubby legs! He even gave her a small smile complete with dimples while she was talking to him. The nurses kept saying how cute he was in his little denim outfit. :)

This week was the first week we've started putting him in his crib overnight. I knew he was ready (he was getting a little big to lay with me in the bed and I think he was uncomfortable), but I did expect a night or two of him waking up more than usual. However, the first night, he went down around 11pm and slept until his normal time of 5:30am. The next night, he went to bed just before midnight and slept through the night until just after 7am! I woke up around 6am, looked at my phone at the time, and almost had a mini heart attack because he didn't wake up. But then I calmed myself down enough to doze back off for another hour or so. (His Angelcare movement monitor helps calm my nerves a lot at night while he sleeps. It has an icon on my unit so I can see that the mat is sensing his movement/breathing. This helps me A LOT!) The next night, I was hoping he would sleep through again. I was also wondering if it was just  a fluke, but this morning I had to get up for his appointment just after 7am, and he was still sleeping! I had to wake him up to get his morning bottle in before we left, and he was mad! But that quickly turned around when he figured out he was about to get fed.

It's hard to believe that he will be three months old in a few weeks!

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